Integration: Azure Translate Nodes
TranslateAnswer and TranslateQuery Nodes that use the Azure Translate endpoint
This package allows you to use the Azure translation endpoints to separately translate the query and the answer. It’s good for scenarios where your dataset is in a different language to what you expect the user query to be in. This way, you will be able to translate the user query to the your dataset’s language, and translate the answer back to the user’s language.
Run pip install haystack-translate-node
to install the latest available version.
Include in your pipeline as follows:
from haystack_translate_node import TranslateAnswer, TranslateQuery
translate_query = TranslateQuery(api_key="<yourapikey>", location="<yourazureregion>", azure_translate_endpoint="<yourazureendpoint>", base_lang="en")
translate_answer = TranslateAnswer(api_key="<yourapikey>", location="<yourazureregion>", azure_translate_endpoint="<yourazureendpoint>", base_lang="en")
pipel = Pipeline()
pipel.add_node(component=translate_query, name="TranslateQuery", inputs=["Query"])
pipel.add_node(component=retriever, name="Retriever", inputs=["TranslateQuery"])
pipel.add_node(component=prompt_node, name="prompt_node", inputs=["Retriever"])
pipel.add_node(component=translate_answer, name="TranslateAnswer", inputs=["prompt_node"])
, azure_translate_endpoint
, and base_lang
are optional, and will default to uksouth,, and en respectively.
TranslateQuery will determine the language of the query, and assign it to the in_lang
JSON value.
TranslateQuery will take the original query, in any language, and assign it to the in_query
JSON value.
TranslateQuery will overwrite the original query
JSON value with the translated English value
You can then query your base_lang
corpus using the query
value as normal using a standard Haystack Retriever node, which will place your results in results
TranslateAnswer translate the base_lang
result stored in results back to the language stored in in_lang
and subsequently store it in the out_answer
JSON value.